Parkview Church is a progressive congregation of the United Church of Christ, fully welcoming of all people, regardless of… well, anything. We are a socially committed congregation, a caring congregation, and a congregation where folks learn and grow and lean into faith as they understand it.
If this is you, perhaps you’d like to be part of our team. We are currently hiring for the positions shown below.
NURSERY CAREGIVER – a trained professional to ease our parents’ minds and engage children age 0-6 in our nursery and playground on Sunday mornings. Other events happen often, too, if you’re available for extra hours. Here’s the job description.
WORSHIP PRODUCTION COORDINATOR – a skilled pro to help us produce excellent worship for an in-house and on-screen crowd. You’ll also want to help us streamline our system, purchase new equipment, and learn what it means to be accessible on multiple platforms. Here’s the job description.
FAITH FORMATION DIRECTOR – a theologically compatible, caring pro to help our children and youth grow in faith as they learn the stories and learn to ask questions. We are prepared to write this job description for a part-time paid employee or for a student seeking academic credit and a stipend. Email the pastor —
MUSIC LEADER – watch for more info about this position!
Be assured Parkview is an equal opportunity employer. While you’ll be required to allow a background check, results won’t necessarily be a dealbreaker.